Hi everyone! I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. I recently gained some new followers so I want to reintroduce myself and my blog. My name is Marisa. I just finished my Junior year at the University of Northern Colorado where I study theatre education (K-12) with a minor in media studies. I started this blog as part of a project for my social media strategies class in fall of 2019. I am now taking a blogging for journalists class to help me expand my blog further. I want to provide a community and resources for girls and women in the theatre industry. I hope to expand my blog further beyond interviews.However, if you or someone you know would love to be interviewed on blog email me at broadwaybabesblog@gmail.com. I look forward to growing my blog and continuing on this journey. If you have suggestions for what you would like to see on my blog, please free to ether email broadwaybabesblog@gmail.com or direct message me on Instagram @broadwaybabes.blog. Thank you to all of you that have supported me so far, your support means the world to me.
Until next time,