Super excited to be back this week with another interview. I have wanted to interview Gianna for quite sometime now. She is so creative. I can’t wait for y’all to learn more about her and her shop. Plus Gianna is just so nice! It was so lovely interview her! I hope y’all enjoy.
What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from?
Hello! My name is Gianna and I am sixteen (I’ll be seventeen soon) years old.
Tell me a little bit more about Broadway Bears!
Broadway Bears is my Etsy company where I sell custom broadway/musical theater themed bears.
What inspired you to start Broadway Bears?
I feel like the main thing that really made me want to start Broadway Bears was my urge to create something people will love. I also wanted to use it so I can earn money to start a career in the theater business producing and performing my own work once I graduate high school. I wanted to create something cute and affordable to sell and also something I’d love to make. I love bears, they are my favorite animal and I also love Broadway/musicals with all my heart. So, I thought why not put them together?
What was the process of starting Broadway Bears like?
When designing my bears I like to look closely at the costumes of the Broadway character I am trying to recreate. I like to carefully pick out the fabric, looking in stores (lately online) for the perfect fabrics, which could take a while. Sometimes, if I have to, I’ll use what’s on hand. I like to make sure the costume is as accurate as possible for the bears, even if I have to hand sew or paint some details on.
How do you manage school, Broadway Bears, and everyday life?
I’m not going to lie, it’s not easy to manage school, everyday life, and my business at the same time. Fortunately, I don’t get much homework, but having a second job and doing things day to day could be hard to manage all together. I try to get as many orders done at a time, but I also try to pace myself. Some months are harder than others but I always push through and happily get many happy customers.
What has been your favorite memory (or two if you can’t just pick one!) since starting your account?
My one of my favorite memories is meeting other Broadway sellers in this community. It’s so nice to see other people who appreciate each other’s art and products. Everyone has been so nice and helpful when I have questions. I also gained a few friends!
Another one of my favorite memories is when I sold my first bear. It was a Jermey Heere bear from BMC. I remember excitedly making it. I was even more excited when the customer gave me a sweet and amazing review which made my heart melt.
What advice do you have for someone wanting to start a business of their own?
I’d say just go for it. It might be hard at first, but someone will buy your product and love it just as much as you do or even more. Take advice from others, or if your school offers, take some business classes. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. ADVERTISE that is very important, advertising is everything. If someone has a product they made and they like it, it’s most likely someone else will like it too.
What do you see for the future of Broadway Bears?
I haven’t been in business for a year yet, but I do hope that it will grow and I can keep making bears for people in the future. I don’t have any big plans for my business but I do want to take it to Broadwaycon one year.
Who is a woman that you look up too in the theatre community and why? (You can have more than one answer!)
I have so many that come to mind, but here are two women I really look up to. First Christy Altomare, she just seems like the sweetest person in the universe. Always posting positive messages, showing us amazing songs, and singing beautifully. Anastasia was my first Broadway show and it was an honor to see such an amazing woman in person.
Second, I’d have to say, Jacklyn Thrapp. Many people might not know her but she is an amazing person. She is a female producer, playwright, and also my pen pal. She gives amazing advice on writing and producing theatre. She manages so much, I honestly don’t know how she does it. She has a great podcast, Making a Musical which is about her producing her show Good Morning New York. She’s an amazingly strong and independent woman, she’s really inspiring.
Thank you again for an awesome interview Gianna. You can find her and her bears on Instagram here, TikTok here and Etsy here. Go check her out!
Until next time,