Playing Space Core in Portal 2: the Unauthorized musical this summer!
Hi everyone! For those who don’t know, my name is Marisa. I live in Colorado. I am a Junior in college who is majoring in theatre education (K-12) with a minor in media studies. I have also been performing for over 15 years! I love to go see shows as well! This blog actually started as a project from my social media strategies class. I thought it would be fun for my blog viewers to get to know me a bit more! I went to my instagram and ask for some questions! You can follow the blog on instagram @broadwaybabes.blog to be a part of more things like this in the future and to stay in the know about the blog! Thank you to everyone that submitted questions!
@somethinggoodmerch asked: How did you develop a interested in Broadway?
I don’t remember a time in my life where theatre wasn’t apart of my life. My Mom was a part of choir and theatre in high school. She started performing again when I was younger. I did my first school show when I was in five and a half years old and my first community show with my Mom at six years old. I think I gradually became more in love with Broadway. I remember watching the Hairspray movie with Zac Efron in 2nd grade. I think that really opened my eyes to a world of musicals outside of Disney!
@somethinggoodmerch asked: What was the first Broadway show you saw?
This has multiple answers. The first show I remember seeing was my Mom was in a production of Fiddler on the Roof at our Church when I was Kindergarten. The first Broadway tour I saw was the Lion King when I was in 1st grade! The first show I saw on Broadway was Finding Neverland in the summer of 2016!
@imanaltohead asked: Who is your favorite person that you’ve interviewed?
I have loved all the interviews that I have done so far! I also have some really exciting interviews lined up, so stay tuned!
@awkwardprincessally asked: What is the best you’ve learned from this blog?
That I can do anything I set my mind too! I have always wanted to start a blog and my class really gave me to push to start my blog! I am so glad the my professor really helped me and encouraged me to go with this idea and start this blog!
@somethinggoodmerch asked: What’s the number one show you want to see but have yet to watch?
This is a tie between Hadestown and Beetlejuice! I live in Colorado, I am hopeful that both will tour in the few years! So hopefully I will get to see both eventually!
@imanaltohead asked: What are some of your dream roles?
I have such a long list of dream roles! Some of my dream roles are Dawn in Waitress, Tracy Turnblad in Hairspray (I have wanted to play Tracy since I was in Second Grade.), Katherine Plumber in Newsies, Olaf in Frozen, Carole King in Beautiful: The Carole King Musical and Barbara Maitland in Beetlejuice!
@somethinggoodmerch asked: If you could go back in time and see in any show you want, which would you choose, and why?
For sure the original Broadway cast of Hairspray! The cast was full of SO MANY stars! I would have also loved to see Jessie Mueller as Jenna Hunterson in Waitress as well!
@awkwardprincessally asked: What do you see for the future of the blog?
I just want to create a community of women in the arts through social media. I would also love to maybe expand into a podcast in the future. I am not super sure. I am just along for the ride and am excited to see where this blog takes me.